Wednesday, November 27, 2019
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and The Shawshank Redemption Essay Example
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and The Shawshank Redemption Paper Contrasts in characterisation are employed throughout Kesey’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Darabont’s The Shawshank Redemption to explore key ideas, as well as fundamental themes of confinement, oppression, and sacrifice. Contrast in characterisation is plainly evident between the protagonists and antagonists of the respective texts, but perhaps more specifically in the contrast that occurs as each author develops their narrators; Kesey’s ‘Bromden’ and Darabont’s ‘Red’. Both narrators experience a profound transformation, which becomes clear when contrasting their characters at the beginning to that of the end of the two texts. Bromden’s mental illness is prominent within the first half of Kesey’s text, but towards the completion of the novel has transformed to a condition of psychological strength with a heightened appreciation for life. Both authors rely heavily on their protagonists in order to provide the inspiration for this change. Kesey makes use of imagery and symbolism, to explore the idea that individuality is a powerful motivator. Darabont utilises a similar catalyst for change as well as repetition; yet as a visual text, he also employs light and sound effects to explore the idea that a leader is a provider of hope. We will write a custom essay sample on One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and The Shawshank Redemption specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and The Shawshank Redemption specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and The Shawshank Redemption specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Red is unwittingly influenced by protagonist Andy Dufresne. Prior to Dufresne’s arrival, Red is presented as both cynical and dry, an institutionalised man unwilling to waste energy on hope; yet finds ‘salvation from within’ in the closing stages of The Shawshank Redemption. Kesey and Darabont use contrasts to explore core themes and ideologies, whilst invoking the audience’s sense of independence and faith. In both texts, the narrators embody changes that gradually augment the reader’s understanding of the resultant effects of oppression. Kesey’s narrator, Bromden, describes the oppression associated with ward life through the use of simile to depict its mechanical nature and lack of individuality. This absence of humanity is the philosophy of Nurse Ratched, a domineering antagonist intent on creating a pure and pallid world for the ‘treatment’ of her patients. ‘The Big Nurse tends to get real put out if something keeps her outfit from running like a smooth, accurate, precision-made machine†¦. ’ However, this routine of maintaining order is shattered upon protagonist, Randall McMurphy’s, committal to the ward. This arrival of individuality instantly brings a vibrant atmosphere to the whitewashed walls of Ratched’s ward. A similar change is evident in The Shawshank Redemption where Darabont utilises voiceovers to convey Red’s initial perception of protagonist, Andy Dufresne, ‘He had a quiet way about him, a walk and a talk that just wasnt normal around here’. The transformation in both Bromden’s and Red’s character is not immediately apparent. Weeks pass before ‘the fog’, symbolic of Bromden’s mental illness begins to clear; and similarly Red remains fearful for years about the likely damage of false hope. Darabont conveys Red’s aversion towards the notion of hope through the use of repetition, ‘Hope? Let me tell you something, my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane. It’s got no use on the inside. You better get used to that idea’. Kesey and Darabont both ensure that there is a prolonged contrast in the characterisation of their central characters, allowing the audience to appreciate the subtle but increasing influence over time that the two protagonists have on the narrators. Darabont relies on the use of his narrator, Red, similar to Kesey’s use of Bromden; primarily to explore fundamental ideas and themes of confinement and sacrifice. The audience grapples with the cruel nature of confinement based on Red’s recounts of his and Dufresne’s experiences in Shawshank prison. Additionally, it is conceded by Darabont that Red’s blatant rejection of hope is indicative of Shawshank Prison’s institutionalising effect, ‘These walls are funny, first you hate them, then you start to get used to them. Eventually it gets so you rely on them. That’s institutionalised. ’ Dufresne unintentionally influences Red’s change in persona, which is quite unlike McMurphy’s extroverted behaviour in Kesey’s novel, ‘Nobody’s sure if this barrel-chested man with the scar and the wild grin is play-acting or if he’s crazy enough to be just like he talks†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢. Dufresne provides the inmates, but particularly Red, with hope through scenes where he sacrifices himself for the benefit of others; these include the roof tarring and phonograph incidents. Bright lighting is used as a focal element in order to demonstrate a contrasting, optimistic atmosphere; reflective of the changes occurring within Red. Likewise, McMurphy alters Bromden by demonstrating what true sacrifice is when he undergoes repeated Electro Shock Therapy sessions; allowing Kesey to explore imagery and symbolism associated with the biblical allusion, ‘wearing a crown of thorns’. Both authors present their respective premises successfully through the narrators’ contrast in characterisation, whilst presenting a common belief that freedom requires sacrifice. The pronounced transformation in the narrators is demonstrated through techniques unique to the respective texts, as well as the distinct use of contrasts. Melodic music creates a buoyant atmosphere in the closing scene of The Shawshank Redemption, with the culmination in contrast of Red’s character. The use of repetition is once again featured in order to demonstrate Dufresne’s effect on Red, specifically his newfound ability to hope, ‘I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope’. Similarly, by the completion of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Kesey makes it clear, through the use of a cliched simile, that McMurphy’s flair for instilling self worth has allowed Bromden to truly live again, and escape the daily drudgery of ward life, â€Å"I felt like I was flying. Free. Nobody bothers coming after an AWOL, I knew†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Contrasting Bromden’s character from beginning to the end of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest allows the audience to examine Kesey’s idea that individuality is a powerful motivator. Darabont’s ideology that a leader is a provider of hope is portrayed through repetition, sound effects, and the contrast in Red’s character. Kesey and Darabont both present their respective ideas through contrast in characterisation, yet in very different ways. This disparity is primarily due to the difference in text types; resulting in Kesey’s reliance on the literary techniques of imagery and symbolism, and Darabont’s deliberate use of light and sound. Though the narrators are of critical importance in portraying their own transformations, the protagonists instigate the change and consequently develop the author’s ideologies with equal significance. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and The Shawshank Redemption share a vast number of similarities in relation to their themes, whilst depicting divergent meaning due to the differing ideologies of the respective authors. Kesey’s and Darabont’s use of contrasts within the narrators supports the ideas present within the texts; allowing the audience to formulate their own beliefs about the importance of individuality and hope.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Estate Agents I.T. Problem Essays
Estate Agents I.T. Problem Essays Estate Agents I.T. Problem Essay Estate Agents I.T. Problem Essay Ward and Partners are an estate agents in Eynsford, Dartford and Gravesend. They advertise houses in their windows and in newspapers. However for a potential buyer looking for a house they will want specific things, e.g. 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. So basically what I am saying is that the estate agents cannot match a house perfectly to a persons needs, as they do not have all the information stored about every house in their memories. So I am going to design a working database/website that people can search for their perfect house on 24hours a day. There are many ways of solving this problem for the data handling and communications coursework. You could make a database to hold all of the information and quickly search through the records of the houses but a better way of performing this take would be to make the database a part of a web page so that people could access the system 24 hours a day. When looking to buy a house it is very time consuming having to visit the estate agents often to see the new houses on the market and to keep looking through 2 or 3 papers. So I am going to create a web site which includes a database which holds all the information about all the houses that the company has to offer. People can then search the database on the internet 24 hours a day. To make this website I will have to find information about houses and input the information into the database. The website will be very user friendly so everyone can access it. Description Of Problem The system will be very simple , it will use peoples needs to find their ideal house. I am planning to do this by asking a few simple questions about what the user wishes their ideal house to be like. Once the user has input their information a list of the matching houses will appear on the screen with a picture and instructions of how to view the house and more information about it. At the moment the estate agents have all the information kept in files in filling drawers. The sellers information is kept on computer but not information about the house they wish to sell. It is not easy for the estate agents to remember all the details about every house they are offering and normally rely on people choosing houses from the pictures in the window or from the paper. But obviously they cannot advertise every house this way so by placing all their properties on a database there are many positive points such as:- * The database can hold information about EVERY property the agents are selling. * The database would be very easy to search * Estate agents can find properties matching the buyers needs very easily resulting in more sales * The database can be incorporated into a website which can be searched by people at home using the internet. This can be done 24 hours a day. * The estate agents will have more time getting new properties as they will not have to look through every profile for new buyers. The information system that I am planning to introduce will also be based on a computer, but everything, including the pictures, will be kept on the computer. Nothing will be on pieces of paper, the questionnaire about the customers needs will also be kept on the computer. It is clear that the use of I.T can be used in this example, I believe that its use will make this estate agency more efficient, able to cope with a larger amount of customers and so enable them to bring more money into their business. I am planning to produce web pages containing information about my company, Estate Limited, and a search facility to find the correct houses. The customer will have to answer a few very short questions, for example: * Number Of Bedrooms? 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. * Number Of Bathrooms?-1,2,3 * Type of property detached, semi-detached, terraced, flat, bungalow. * Price Range. * Extras e.g garage, double glazing. The questions will be multiple choice , the answers will be in a pull down list form to make the questionnaire easy to understand. The results of the search will appear along with a picture of the property, the location and the asking price. The system will not allow you to buy the house, it just gives you a list of possible properties according to the customers needs so the customer will be able to find out more information on their chosen property from the estate agent. Viewings can then be arranged and possibly follow on to a sale of the property. The website will be assessable 24 hours a day 7 days a week and so anyone who has access to a computer with a modem and internet access s will be able to search the database whenever they choose. INVESTIGATION ANALYSIS Planning To improve the system I will first have to find out about the current system in use so I will send a questionnaire to ward and partners asking them about the system they are using. I will be designing the system for a computer running windows. These are the questions I will use: * Does the current system use windows? * Is the system easy to use? * What information about the propertys do you keep on the system? * Can your customers access the information? * If yes how? * If there was a system available that would let your customers access details on all your properties would you feel it would benefit your business? I am going to design a system that lets potential buyers and customers of an estate agents to look at all the properties the estate agent has on file. They will be able to access this database from home as it will be available on the internet 24 hours a day 7 days a week. There will be a questionnaire for the customer to fill out, only a few questions about what they would like to have in their property from the information they give the database will then be searched and the computer will display any suitable houses. The information about the house will be a short description, the asking price , a picture and a number to contact for further information. Research I have researched the current system available at ward and partners a local estate agent and have found that the current system consists of the following steps: * The customer is asked to fill in a short questionnaire about the house they require. * The answers to the questionnaire are then put onto the computer and the database is searched for a suitable house. * The estate agent only has a few details about the property . there is no picture kept on file all the other information is kept in a filling draw and has to be searched for manually. This is a very time consuming process and of course the customer wont always be happy with the first house so the estate agent must be expected to repeat this process a numerous amount of times. The actual computers: * are between 2 and 3 years old * have a processor speed of 233MHz * probably have a small amount of memory, e.g. 16 or 32 Mb RAM (Random Access Memory) * run Windows 95 * have Microsoft Office 97 installed * have modems and an Internet connection Analysis The strengths and weaknesses of the current system are shown below. Strengths Weaknesses__ * Accurate. * Reliable. * All computers have a modem and an Internet connection. _ * Very Slow. * Difficult to use ,not user friendly. * Technology is out of date therefore the computers are relatively slow. * No web site for advertising * No search available for people to use at home. * Not used by all sorts of people, it is mainly used by couples and students. __ Feasibility It is possible to produce a better system for purchasing a house and I definitely think it is worthwhile, as there are many things that could be improved with the current system. The strengths and weaknesses of the current system are stated above and show that the weaknesses by far exceed the strengths. Specification Of Problem Based on my analysis of the problem, my system must: * be user friendly * be faster than the old system. * be designed to be used on a web site. * ask people questions about their ideal house and search to find the most appropriate houses. * be accurate and reliable. * be suitable for use by all sorts of people. * store all of the information on the computers so that there is no need for a filing cabinets. * Be quick to use. Design Of Solution Hardware This is the schools hardware system and it is quite a high specification, my webpage and database would run on a lower specification if needed. _ N14 N18 Processor PII 400mHz ; Celeron 700mHz Celeron 700mHz Hard drive 4.3GB-10GB 10GB Memory(RAM) 128 MB 128MB Monitor/VDU SVGA Hansol Inc ; SVGA Samtron Inc SVGA Samtron Inc CD-ROM 18x ; 52x 52x Zip drive 100MB 100MB Floppy drive Yes Yes Printers Brother Laser(mono) Brother Laser(Colour) Brother Laser(mono) Scanner 1200x600dpi Software The software that would be most appropriate to use,and I will use is Microsoft Front Page for the design of the website, Microsoft Excel for all the data and Microsoft word for the actual write up . Excel97 for the use in the database, I have found that it id the best package for this type of work and is easily used. It is also compatible with all Microsoft applications. Word97 for the use of word processing. I have found that it is very easy to use and the most popular word processing package, meaning that a client can take home contracts etc on disk and down load them onto his own computer as the chances are they too have Word 97. In order for me to create a prototype I need to know the information which it must display. To do this I asked one of the estate agents. She stated that the property pages must include the features the property has to offer, the asking price, a photo of the property and its location. She also stated that it would be helpful if they could tell how many people had accessed the web site and gain their details for the database via the Internet. * Application To meet the evaluation criteria and specification for my system, I need a software application that is suitable for designing and making web pages. From the web site, I must be able to search a list of houses and so I will require another suitable software application to do this. I have looked at the appropriate facilities of various applications and this is what I have found. Application_Facilities___Searching * _Web sites__Word-processor_Find words in a document_Hyperlinks * Tables * Backgrounds * Images * Text__Spreadsheet_Find words or formulae in a spreadsheet * Search for the same words in a column and display them together_Hyperlinks * Images__Database_Search through records to find matches for information_None__Web site editor_Find words in a web page_Backgrounds * Hyperlinks * Tables * Images * Animated images Text__Programming * language_None_Special effects * Backgrounds * Hyperlinks * Tables * Images * Animated images * Text __ From this table I can see that to search through records I should use a database or powerful spreadsheet and to make a web site I should use a web site editor or a programming language. * Software Packages Now that I know that I need to use a database or a powerful spreadsheet and a web page editor or programming language, I need to look at the different software packages and languages that are available for me to use. First the database. Software package_Facilities and information * __Microsoft Access_Database only, so will have more facilities * More commonly used than Microsoft Works * Very powerful tool * Difficult to use properly without proper training__Microsoft Works_Combined word-processor, spreadsheet, database and address book so will not have as many facilities as Microsoft Access or Excel * Less commonly used than Microsoft Access and Excel__Microsoft Excel_Designed to be a spreadsheet so it focuses on facilities for producing web pages however, it has basic database facilities * Easier to use than Microsoft Access * More commonly used than Microsoft works __ Now the web page editor. Software package_Facilities and information * __Microsoft Word_Doesnt support frames * Text can be easily inserted and formatted * Hyperlinks can be inserted between pages * HTML code cannot be seen * Forms can be inserted * Tables can be inserted * Backgrounds can be set easily * Word Art can be used * Creates a lot of unnecessary code__Microsoft Front Page Express_Doesnt support frames * Text can be easily inserted and formatted * Hyperlinks can be inserted between pages * HTML code can be viewed and altered if needed. * Forms can be inserted * Tables can be inserted * Backgrounds can be set easily * Web bot connections (time and date) can be inserted * Created a lot of unnecessary code __ Finally the programming language. Language_Facilities and information * __HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language)_All web pages use this code to tell the browser that the code is a web page * Can take a long time to learn and use quickly * Web pages can be made to look exactly as you want them to * Can be used with other programming languages e.g. JavaScript to create special effects * Text can be inputted and formatted * Images can be inputted * Backgrounds can be set * Hyperlinks can be inserted between pages and links can be inserted within documents * Forms can be inserted * Tables can be inserted * Frames can be created and viewed * Image maps can be drawn * Created by using tags, e.g. A and /A * Can be written in a small program like Notepad __ From these tables, I conclude that even though Access is a much more powerful database tool I will use Microsoft Excel as it is easier to use. I shall also use the programming language HTML instead of a web page editor as I can make the web site look exactly how I wish it to look and I can control the code that is used to make the web page, so that there is no unnecessary HTML. However, it is easier to use a web page editor if you do not know any HTML as the programmes often look like word processors however, they do restrict the types of data that you can put on the web pages and you cannot use frames to aid the navigation through the web site. Data Input I have obtained my data from a variety of different sources. Most of the data is from John Huttchingson estates website; this showed lots of different propertys at a wide range of prices.The data at the moment is either written down or is on the website I am using for ideas. It is now necessary for the information to be moved from the form it is in to the computer. There are various different ways this could be done: Advantages Disadvantages Scanning _The data can be easily scanned on to the computer and then a text converter used to turn the data into text on the screen._ALL of the data would have to be written in a very clear format in order for the scanner to be able to read all of the data__Typing Manually_Easy to do, and labour saving as you can just do it yourself._Time consuming, as with every new piece of information the typist must then enter the data.__Microphone_Does not involve any typing._Is still time consuming, as each word must b enunciated very clearly or the text converter will not detect the word correctly.__Sensors ; Data logging _There is less opportunity for mistakes _The system requires another program to convert the results into useful information__Optical character reader_The data can be entered with no typing_The optical character reader needs to be able read all of the data so it must be in readable format__Mouse_The data can be entered without typing_Some of the data would already have to be entered on to the computer. It is time consuming.__ My main choice will be the keyboard as it suits the task I need it to perform. * Data Input Format Because I am using a database, my data will be arranged in fields. The data that is entered into the fields can be restricted to text, numbers, time, etc. Field name_Data Type_Example_Field length_Other Info __Property Ref_Numbers_14_4_The number of the client /property__Address_Text and Numbers_14 apple close_200_The address of the property__Town_Text_Dartford_20_The location of the property__Value_Numbers_à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½200,000_10_The asking price of the property__Type______Number of Bedrooms_Text and numbers_DA2 7AZ_8_Postcodes are a maximum of 8 characters long__Garage_Numbers_01234 567890_11_Phone numbers are only 11 digits long__Garden_Text_Detached_13_Have to choose from a list__Number of Bathrooms_Numbers_20,000 30,000_15_Have to choose from a list 100,000 is the highest option__Double Glazing_Numbers_20,650_7_à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½100,000 is the highest value possible__Central Hating_Text_Yes_3_Yes or no Have to choose from a list__Status_Text_Yes_3_Yes or no Have to choose from a list__Parking_Text_Single_6_Have to choose from a list__Picture_Text_Yes_3_Yes or no Have to choose from a list__ * Data Validation and Verification It is very important that all of the data in my system is correct. This is because people could search for the wrong things in my database and receive the wrong matches. If the names and addresses are incorrect, people will go to the wrong house and the wrong house will be sold. On the web pages, it is not so important that the data is correct as it is most likely to be spelling mistakes, however, it makes a bad impression if words are spelt wrongly. The data that will be put into my system is: * Property Ref * Address * Town * Value * whether the house has a garden * whether the house has a garage * whether the house has central heating * whether the windows are double glazed * Type Of House * Number of bedrooms * Number of bathrooms * Status of the property * If the house has parking * Picture All the data types and field lengths are shown on the table above. The sorts of errors that are most likely are spelling and typing errors. Most of the data that I am putting into the database can be checked by validation by the computer as Microsoft Excel has a built-in validation check for spelling and I can program in many validation checks of my own, including macros. I have had to program most of my own validation checks to reduce the number of errors that people make when typing in data into the database. Microsoft Excel has a feature that allows you to validate cells easily and effectively to decrease the number of errors that are entered into the system. It allows you to set limits on a cell and allow lists of data which appear as a drop-down list on the cell. I have used different types of validation in my database. To set the validation for a cell, you click Data on the toolbar and select Validation from the list of options. (Data validation) After this, you can change the validation , enter an input message and enter an error message Drop-down lists I have mainly used drop-down lists to limit the possibilities that can be entered into the cells and also to prevent the words from being spelt wrongly. I have used this type validation to allow the type of property to be selected from a list of five words: * Semi-detached * Detached * Flat * Bungalow * Terrace _ This image shows that when you click on a cell with this type of validation a list appears underneath the cell and an input message appears next to the cell explaining how to enter data into the cell. I have set the validation for this cell to show a list and display an input message to explain how to enter the data. _ _ _This image shows that I have allowed a list to be shown. It also shows the source of the list, i.e. the cells that contain the list of words. This image shows the input message that I have entered for this cell to explain how to enter data into the cell. This image shows the error message that I have entered for this cell if the data that is entered is incorrect. _ I have used validation similar to this for allowing people to enter or select: * Price Range * Number of bedrooms required * Number of bathrooms required * The location of the house * Whether the house has a garden * Whether the house has double glazing. * Whether the house has central heating * Whether the house has parking facilities Limits The validation facility allows you to set limits on a cell. This can be used to specify a minimum and maximum number to be entered into a cell or to specify the minimum and maximum number of characters that can be entered into a cell. If the data entered is outside the limits defined by the validation, an error message is displayed on the screen which states the limits of the cell. _ This validation shows that a number between 1 and 5 can be entered into the cell before an error message appears. To validate peoples forenames and surnames, I allowed a number of characters to be entered into a cell. _ _ The maximum number of characters that can be entered into the cell is 15. So, if more than 15 characters are entered into the cell, an error message appears on the screen. Since all names have to be catered for, the only validation that I have used is that each field has to be at least two characters. * Database Microsoft Excel offers the feature of creating your own custom views so that you have one set of data, you can just choose to look at it in a number of different ways. You have to program them in by hiding rows and columns but once they are saved you dont have to re-format the workbook to look like it did. My database has a number of different views: * It has a view for all of the data so that, if needed, you can change the validation checks easily and you can add more views when they are needed. * It has a view for inputting information into the database so that you cannot easily change the validation checks yet you can still input data into the database easily. * Lastly, it has a view for people using the database to search. Unfortunately, if they change any of the data on the view, it will change the data until Excel is loaded again and it will therefore affect the searches and the wrong results will be received. All of the data No rows or columns have been hidden from view and the lists for the validation checks can be seen and edited. All of the data can be edited, but not searched. Enter new data This view shows all of the columns, but the rows with the lists for the validation checks have been hidden so that they cannot be changed. The macro allowing data that has been entered in a form has not been hidden so that if the people putting data into the database choose to enter the data in a form they can still validate the data easily and correct it where necessary. Documentation * Technical Documentation Minimum system requirements: * processor speed of 200 MHz * Memory * sound card * video card * CD-ROM drive * Windows 95 * Microsoft office 97 * Free hard disk space The hardware and an operating system usually comes already installed on most computers that have been bought, so this is not a problem. To install Microsoft Office 97 you will require a CR-ROM drive and a CD containing Office 97 on it. When the CD runs, the set-up will help you to install Office 97 onto the system. I could pass on my system and web site by burning the database, web pages and images onto a CD to allow easy storage, and protection. I could have used a 3.5 inch floppy disk, but data can easily be over-written and they can be damaged easily, whereas, CDs are more robust than floppy disks and cannot be over-written unless: a) The company, Ward and partners, has a CD re-writer and then, b) I burn the data onto a re-writable CD The CD would be inserted into the CD-ROM drive and all of the information on it copies onto the computers hard disk, so now there are two copies of the data, so that if one is lost, there is still a back-up copy of the data. The files can then be opened and edited Before my system can be used by a customer, real data about houses and their current owners must be inputted into the database, as I have made 99 sets of imaginary data just for demonstration purposes and to show that my system works properly and does the jobs that it is supposed to do.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Classifying Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Classifying Structure - Essay Example Professional bureaucratic structure is used by those organizations that depend on highly skilled professional in order to deliver goods and services at the core of the organization. Some examples are hospital, museums, engineering design firms, social services agencies and public accounts firms, universities and libraries (Reilly, Minnick & Baack, 2011). Organizations having divisional structure have set of autonomous units, each typically machine bureaucracy unto itself which is coordinated by a central headquarters. Some examples with divisional structure are General Motor, Microsoft, 3M Company, AT&T, General Electric Company, International Business Machine (IBM), Coca-Cola Company, United Technologies Corporation, and the Walt Disney Company (Reilly, Minnick & Baack, 2011). Adhocracy is suited for those organizations which are having low formalization and standardization and are organic and dynamic in nature. Within these organizations the decision making tends towards decentralization. Companies having adhocracy form of structure are flexible and adaptable. Example of adhocracy is the project for the construction of commercial building (Reilly, Minnick & Baack,
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