Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Plato And Augustin Essay Example for Free
Plato And Augustin Essay 1) WHAT IS PLATO’S ATTITUDE TOWARD THE BODY? (300 Words) http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/symposium.html            In Platos work SYMPOSIUM there is much subtext to be found under the surface of what seems like a marginally focused conversation among several individuals. What is unique about this work is that within the random bits of dialogue put forth there is a certain unique cohesion that presents itself. That cohesion is present in the way in which the random gives way to the logical and nothing is more evident of this than what is found within Platos concept of the body.            The body, at first, refers to the physical appearance of an individual. This physical appearance provides the basis for attraction for a loved one. However, this attraction is very vapid and indicative of a surface level understanding of the individual. However, physical attraction is a strong emotion and while this attraction is devoid of depth it does give way to quantity. In other words, when physical attraction is all that matters to an individual then happiness derives from simply associating with more and more attractive bodies. This is about as vapid of a series of human relationships as one could possibly involve oneself. It also bases relationships on errant randomness as an individual simply bounces from one attractive person to the other.            Where Plato does redeem the image of the body is in the way he presents it as a conduit to deeper meaning. In other words, while there is a certain randomness and banality to chasing beauty this chase can lead one to a partner who offers far more than merely what the body offers. Looks then become the conduit to true love, intellectual stimulation or a combination of both. This way the randomness found in the search for the best body merely acts as a transitory function in the sense that it eventually leads to the cohesiveness of a deep relationship. Well, hopefully anyway. 2) HOW DOES AUGUSTINE VIEW HUMAN NATURE? (300 WORDS) http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf102.iv.XII.1.html            The relationship between God and Gods subordinates has been debated for many years. Much of this debate derives from the fact that there has never been a definitive statement on what God truly intended from those whom God created. As such, much has been left to speculation and interpretation. Regarding human nature, St. Augustine examines the flaws inherent with such nature and links these flaws with fluctuations inherent with reason.            To a great degree, Augustine notes that it is human nature to be flawed and much of this derives from reason. Augustine is clear to point out that there are a number of factors which separate humans from lesser beings and that while all things created from God are good humans have the capacity to deviate from natural order due to reason and passion. Hence, they can be prone to errors in judgment whereas lesser animals are not. Hence, human nature has the capacity for improvement but it also has the capacity to great harm to the self or others.            Augustine points out that often people will use God as a crutch. That is, because it is human nature to draw value from the external many will see themselves as weak and cleave to God because it is God that gives them strength, God that gives them reason, etc. This, however, diminishes the value of the human as the reliance of the self is gone. So, while this cleaving to God may have noble intentions (seek advice from the higher power) it is actually a sign of weakness and a rejection of the free will God has provided. Hence, it represents another aspect of the flawed nature of humanity.            Granted, while Augustine views human nature as a flawed entity he does equate flawed with bad. Flawed simply is the state of human nature and is neither good nor bad. It is simply the natural order of things.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Benjamin Franklin :: Biography Biographies
benjamin franklin Ben Franklin was one of the most amazing men history has recorded. Throughout his lifetime he continued to increase his already genius-level intelligence. He had a high quality of life, was a popular political figure, and he strongly believed in his thoughts, beliefs, and ideas. While he wasn’t perfect, that was what he struggled to attain. Ben’s achievements are very numerous. Apart from being a genius after only 2 years of schooling, his other achievements show that he was an overachiever. Some of Ben’s achievements are literature-based. For example, he printed the first novel published in America. He also started the first circulating library in America. Also, year after year, he wrote and published Poor Richard’s Almanac. Those weren’t his only achievements though. He organized the first hospital, started mail delivery, organized the first "fire company", that is, firefighters; and was a city representative, too! All this is just more proof of him being an overachiever. Because of Franklin’s many inventions and experiments, our lives today are better. Ben made the first copperplate printing press in America, a chair with a built in table for writing, and a chair that turned into a step ladder for his library. He also invented the odometer, a heating unit called the "Pennsylvania Stove", the lightning rod, bifocals, an electricity generator, and the armonica. By experimenting, he proved that dark materials absorb more than light materials, proved lightning was electricity, and did many more experiments with static and regular electricity. He also introduced artificial fertilizer and discovered lead poisoning. We all should be grateful for how he has improved our lifestyle today. Ben’s childhood started out like anyone else’s, but when he became around age 10, he started to become different. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1706. The 15th of 17 children, school was not cheap, so he only got to go for 2 years. He started out making soap and candles, but after expressing that he didn’t like that, he would like to write, he became apprenticed to his brother, James, who was a printer. James wouldn’t publish Ben’s work, so he submitted it under the name Mrs. Silence Dogood. When James found out, Ben ran away to Philadelphia, Where he would marry and live the majority of the rest of his life.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Long-Term Planning
â€Å"Pay yourself first†is a standard commitment device used by financial planners seeking to encourage disciplined saving and budgeting; it is also the principle underlying US payroll-deduction 401(k) plans. These plans are one of the most successful commitment devices in current use, and they are formulated such that contributions are automatically deducted from workers' pay before the money can be spent. As such, saving in 401(k)-type plans would be best for my personal situation, as participation rates in 401(k)-type plans, where payroll deduction is the norm, are at least four times as high as for Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) (Mitchell and Utkus, 2004), where structured payroll deductions are uncommon. Additionally, I am given the liberty to exert some control over how my money is invested (subject to some constraints), and receive the risk and reward for those investments. Since my tax rate when I retire would be presumably higher than my tax rate before retirement, I would likewise be better off with a Roth IRA than a traditional IRA because I won’t have to pay tax on my withdrawals at the higher rates. I can withdraw the money I contributed to a Roth IRA penalty-free anytime, since I already paid tax on it so the government would not care. Since I would not probably need my money I invested in Roth IRA for at least five years from now, my money will be tax-free on withdrawal. The catch is that I cannot know for sure what my tax rate would be when I retire, but I can find several online calculators that will help me compare results with a Roth IRA versus traditional IRA. Further, the new Roth IRA provisions apply even if I am covered under my employer’s retirement program. Lastly, the SEP proves to be a promising retirement plan based on my personal situation. Although the SEP is an employer-provided retirement plan, record-keeping and tax reporting are simplified, a plus factor for me. The higher limit in a SEP makes this plan as attractive as the profit-sharing plan, but easier and less costly to administer, which are two of my foremost criteria when choosing a fitting retirement plan for myself. WORK CITED Mitchell, O. & Utkus, S. (Eds.). (2004). Pension Design and Structure: New Lessons from Behavioral Finance. Oxford, England
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Civil War Of Bashar Al Assad And The Syrian Government
When ISIS commenced operations against Bashar Al Assad and the Syrian government, foreign volunteers rushed to join their ranks, 200 American citizens among them. The presence and national security implications of these fighters is well documented by the media, and their motivations are transparent and easily discernible through propaganda produced by ISIS. But what about the 108 Americans who have fought for the Kurds against ISIS? While their individual motivations are expressed through interviews granted to the media, their motivations as a group and the greater implications of their service have been less scrutinized and deserve greater attention. There is a historical analogue to the present volunteers, however, that has been well documented and provides a basis with which to make an informed evaluation. In the Spanish Civil War of 1936 to 1939, 2800 Americans fought with the International Brigades of the Republicans against the Nationalists. The American volunteers fighting for the Kurds against ISIS exhibit many of the same characteristics and motivations of the Americans who fought for the Republicans in Spain. By showing that the motivations of the two groupsâ€â€separated by a lifetimeâ€â€are fundamentally the same, context can be provided. A feeling of responsibility to the broader, global humanity motivated both generations of volunteers. Ideology, though different in these two cases, was a driving factor for both groups: political in the Spanish Civil War andShow MoreRelatedThe Syrian Civil War : An International Conflict Between Usa And Its Allied Groups1526 Words  | 7 PagesThe Syrian Civil War has become now an international conflict between USA and its allied groups and Russia and its allied groups. USA and its allied groups support free Syrian army who are fighting against Syrian Government Bashar Al Asad. On the other hand. Russia support Syrian Government Bashar Al Asad. The two super power(USA and Russia) are engaging Syria wa r for their own benefit. Russia supports Syrian Government for remaining historical relation between Russia and Syria. By remaining goodRead MoreThe Syrian Civil War Analysis1344 Words  | 6 Pages The Bashar al-Assad regime and Ba’ath government are imparting a strong front while being shattered from multiple opposition groups; and terrorist organizations in country and high-ranking officials from around the world. Their economy, population, and relations with nations around the world is being affected by the everyday events occurring in their country. Syria has gone through many adversities as a country and to this day struggles with the habitual effects of the Syrian civil war. TheRead MoreSyria And The Egyptian Empire1364 Words  | 6 Pagescity in the world and has been engaged in a bloody civil war that threatens not only Syria but also all of its neighboring countries. Damascus, Syria’s capital city has been a permanent settlement from as early as 9000 B.C. For thousands of years Syria has been a battleground for many wars from the Syrian wars which were a series of six wars between what is now Syria and the Egyptian Empire, to the current Civil War between the Basar Al-Assad regime and many rebel brigades. In the 7th and 8thRead MoreAfter four hundred years of indecisive Ottoman rule, and three decades fighting the mandate of the1600 Words  | 7 Pagessynonymous with peace. Without a common enemy, the Syrian people remembered their differences and began to squabble amongst themselves. Even now, seven decades after the formation of the Syrian Arab Republic, peace is yet but a far-flung dream. In June of 2000, then-President Hafez al-Assad, of the previous Ba’ath Party, passed away and his title was left, through an unfortunate accident, in the hands of his second, less determined son, Bashar al-Assad. With his death came stri fe. Powerful clashing forcesRead MoreAl Assad s Conflicting Interest On Syria1478 Words  | 6 PagesBashar Al-Assad’s Conflicting Interest in Syria Syria is a country located in the Middle East that is neighbored by Turkey and Iraq. The leader of Syria, Bashar Al-Assad, has been the president of Syria for 16 years and counting. From the looks of it, he has no intent of backing down his power either. Syria has been led by Assad’s family for many of years; Bashar Al-Assad’s father, Hafez Al-Assad, was Syria’s leader from 1971 and died in office in the year 2000. It was then, when Bashar Al-AssadRead MoreA Brief Note On The And Foreign Involvement908 Words  | 4 PagesISIS and Foreign Involvement In Syria civil war has been raging since March 2011. The conflict an attempt to overthrow the second Assad regime, led by Bashar al Assad, and multiple rebel groups, including the Free Syrian Army (FSA), the Islamic Front, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria(ISIS), and Jabhat al-Nusra (the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda). Like his father, who held power before him, Bashar al Assad has been a corrupt tyrant who rigged elections and eliminated personal freedoms. TwoRead MoreThe Syrian Civil War1590 Words  | 7 PagesSince the Syrian Civil War began in 2011 many countries have gotten involved on both sides, Russia, China, and Iran have placed their support behind the President of Syria Bashar al-Assad, while countries like France, the United States, and those in the European Union and United Nations support the rebel group of the Syrian National Coalition. I am going to be advising French officials President Francois Hollande and Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault on how to en d the Syrian Civil War with the helpRead MoreAn Analysis of the Current Conflict in Syria1253 Words  | 5 PagesBaath government. The civil war in Syria developed from the trendy uprising against President Bashar al-Assad regime in early 2011 during the Arab Spring uprisings that affected the Middle East. The cruel reaction of the forces of security against peaceful protests, aimed at fighting for democratic reform and a stop to repression, instigated a violent response. The armed revolt to Bashar al-Assad regime spread across Syria, dragging the nation into civil war. The main roots of the Syrian conflictRead MoreSyrian Civil War : The Arab And Islam2153 Words  | 9 PagesSyrian Civil War It has been five years since the Syrian Civil war started. Nothing has changed, Bashar Al Assad still in the presidency, innocent people are dying progressively in an enormous numbers and the world community is becoming blind, pretending it does not know what is happening in the country and still promote for a peaceful solution. Many Syrian people decided to live by leaving the country. They have been migrated to neighboring countries, in addition, the European countriesRead MoreIdeology Of Bashar Al Assad1904 Words  | 8 PagesIDEOLOGY OF BASHAR AL ASSAD RESEARCH: An ideology is a set of cultural beliefs, values, and attitudes that underlie and justify either the status quo or movements to change it. The culture of every social system has an ideology that serves to explain and justify its own existence as a way of life. Ideology can also underlie movements for social change, which rely on sets of ideas that explain and justify their purpose and methods. Bashar Al Assad’s ideology: Vice president of Syria Abdel Halim Khaddam
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