Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Civil War Of Bashar Al Assad And The Syrian Government
When ISIS commenced operations against Bashar Al Assad and the Syrian government, foreign volunteers rushed to join their ranks, 200 American citizens among them. The presence and national security implications of these fighters is well documented by the media, and their motivations are transparent and easily discernible through propaganda produced by ISIS. But what about the 108 Americans who have fought for the Kurds against ISIS? While their individual motivations are expressed through interviews granted to the media, their motivations as a group and the greater implications of their service have been less scrutinized and deserve greater attention. There is a historical analogue to the present volunteers, however, that has been well documented and provides a basis with which to make an informed evaluation. In the Spanish Civil War of 1936 to 1939, 2800 Americans fought with the International Brigades of the Republicans against the Nationalists. The American volunteers fighting for the Kurds against ISIS exhibit many of the same characteristics and motivations of the Americans who fought for the Republicans in Spain. By showing that the motivations of the two groupsâ€â€separated by a lifetimeâ€â€are fundamentally the same, context can be provided. A feeling of responsibility to the broader, global humanity motivated both generations of volunteers. Ideology, though different in these two cases, was a driving factor for both groups: political in the Spanish Civil War andShow MoreRelatedThe Syrian Civil War : An International Conflict Between Usa And Its Allied Groups1526 Words  | 7 PagesThe Syrian Civil War has become now an international conflict between USA and its allied groups and Russia and its allied groups. USA and its allied groups support free Syrian army who are fighting against Syrian Government Bashar Al Asad. On the other hand. Russia support Syrian Government Bashar Al Asad. 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