Saturday, April 11, 2020
Professional Values free essay sample
I volunteered| | | |to learn how to give dialysis treatments because the| | | |unit was having a staffing crunch due to staff being| | | |off on medical leave, vacations or leaving the | | | |facility for other employment. I always look out for| | | |the good of the patient. | |Autonomy |Skar (2010) states, â€Å"Professional autonomy means|As the nursing supervisor, I often find myself | | |having the authority to make decisions and the |making decisions. Recently we admitted a patient | | |freedom to act in accordance with one’s |with a hgb of 4. The doctor wanted a medical bed, no| | |professional knowledge base. |telemetry. I assigned the patient to the step down | | | |unit as a house convenience because I felt the | | | |patient needed closer monitoring. In code | | | |situations, I have started ACLS protocol before the | | | |doctor has arrived; i. . starting fluids if none are| | | |running, making sure CPR is being done correctly, | | | |giving that first dose of epinephrine. | |Human Dignity |Rassin (2008) defined human dignity as |I once took care of a man from an assisted living | | |â€Å"awareness of a patient’s values and beliefs and|facility for MRDD individuals. We will write a custom essay sample on Professional Values or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He was nonverbal, | | |to honor them. †|whenever he came to the hospital he would wear 3 or | | | |4 watches, his own pillow that was filled with | | | |numerous stuffed animals, his wallet, and various | | | |other items that he treasured. It was useless to try| | | |to take his things from him because he would get | | | |violent if you tried. When he was scheduled for | | | |surgery I had to explain the situation to the OR | | | |nurses, and we were able to have him sedated before | | | |he left the unit so his belongings could stay on the| | | |floor. |Integrity |â€Å"Integrity in nursing has been defined as a |I once worked at a very upscale nursing home in the | | |consistent, habitual honesty and a coherent |assisted living unit; the residents were all women | | |integration of reasonably stable, justifiable |and the majority of them were private pay. One of my| | |moral values with consistent judgment and action|residents came to me one evening very upset. She | | |over time. †McIntosh Sheppy (2013) |insisted that she had been robbed of $5,000. 00. I | | | |helped her search her room. Many times as we were | | | |looking she would leave the room. She had almost | | | |$10,000. 00 hidden in her room in various places. I | | | |convinced her to take it to the office so that it | | | |could be locked in the safe and she would know where| | | |it was. I had the social worker talk to her the next| | | |day about keeping so much money in her room. She | | | |just believed that everyone on the staff and who | | | |lived there would be honest. We found all the money | | | |she said plus more that she â€Å"must of forgot I had. †| | | |Did I think of taking any of it? No, I was too | | | |nervous about finding so much money. It was a little| | | |scary. | |Social Justice |â€Å"Respect for others as individuals and as |Before I begin, there is only one hospital in the | | |members of diverse groups, and respect for self,|town I live in. The nearest hospital is over 30 | | |are the basis of socially just health care. †|minutes away. | |Manthey (2008) |Shortly after I finished my orientation as a nursing| | | |supervisor, I was working the night shift. About | | | |4:30 AM I received a frantic call from the ER, a | | | |police officer had been shot in front of one of the | | | |buildings on our campus. To complicate matters he | | | |had been employed at the hospital as a security | | | |guard prior to becoming a police officer. As I ran | | | |to the ER, I began calling the floors asking for | | | |them each to send a nurse to the ER to help. When I | | | |got to the ER, all four of the nurses were in the | | | |treatment room with the police officer. I got busy | | | |calling in the OR team, trying unsuccessfully to | | | |direct traffic, when they bring in the accused | | | |shooter. Because I could not get a nurse to leave | | | |the other room, three of the floor nurses helped me | | | |take care of him. I not so politely asked a State | | | |Trooper to leave the room when he came in and | | | |threatened our patient. The four of us in the room | | | |were very scared, and none of us had ever taken care| | | |of a bullet wound. But we saved his life. And were | | | |able to do what needed to be done without judging | | | |him. | | |Unfortunately the police officer died, we were able | | | |to send the other patient to Toledo by Life-Flight | | | |without too much trouble. |
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